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Rapture Memorial Museum Sign

The entryway of Ryan Amusements' Rapture Memorial Museum.

That recording is a compact little insight into Rapture!... Think about it, my friends—how much needless suffering have we taken for granted?
Sofia LambBioShock: Rapture?

The Rapture Memorial Museum is a section of the Ryan Amusements theme park. It occupies the central area of the park and features a number of exhibits with audio clips that detail the history of Rapture's construction. All but one of these exhibits have survived since Rapture's fall. The last is completely destroyed and none of its content is visible.


Dreaming of Rapture

Andrew Ryan wakes one night, while cruising the Atlantic in his steamliner "The Olympian." His sleep interrupted with a singular purpose: "Here!" he shouts to his crewmen, as he wipes sleep from his eyes. "Full stop! We begin building here!"
― History Tour Audio
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Ryan reaches the location of Rapture in The Olympian.

Traveling the Distance

Refitted for heavy construction, The Olympian returns with a new cargo: A State-of-the-Art Submersible Platform, nicknamed "The Sinker," ferries supplies and workers to the sea floor, fathoms below.
― History Tour Audio
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"The Sinker" is lowered to the ocean floor.

Laying the Foundation

After initial supplies had been brought to the sea floor, the platform is permanently moored in the sediment. Massive iron girders are sunk hundreds of feet into the rock and silt. Below the platform, engineers work to overcome obstacles, such as diamond-hard rock, obstinate sea life, and unexpected caverns.
― History Tour Audio
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The foundations of the city are laid.

Rapture Grows

After the platform is secured, work progresses at an astounding rate. Designed to be the foundation of Rapture, workers toil around the clock to create the metropolis you see today.
― History Tour Audio
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Work on the city progresses.
