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Forums: Index > Watercooler > Universe Names

I'm surprised this hasn't come up yet, or maybe I haven't found the discussion, but what should we call the Rapture universe?

It's obvious we would refer to the world of Columbia as Infinite, but what of Rapture?

Personally I want us to all refer to the Andrew Ryan's world as the 'Sea of Dreams universe. I thought it was a great title that unfortunately was never used. It calls up the same romantiscized images of Rapture, plasmids, little sisters, big-daddies, 1959, as the Infinite' moniker brings back the image of the first teaser ('bringing back' may sound premature since the game isn't out yet, but it's just that i've noticed a lot of changes from the teaser to the e3 demo.)

Certainly it sound better and more professional if we used a different name than the 'Rapture Universe', and it would fit better along side the 'Infinite' Universe.

If you guys disagree, tell me why, if you agree, then help to rally enough people to make the change.

-Sincerely SAmaster01

I used Sea of Dreams to name the time period in which Something in the Sea takes place, in the Rapture Storyline page, as one of the characters was somehow referencing to it on an audio recording. Also, Sea of Dreams somehow describes better BioShock 2 than BioShock, maybe because the title sounds more nostalgic (which was a bit my feeling while playing the second game). But to be honest, Sea of Dreams could have been used for the game if the developers never changed its story (like how Eleanor, shown on the video on the beach, was supposed to be the only Big Sister in the game).
But still, for me Rapture Universe don't need a second name and even now we don't really know what Infinite could refer to in the next game.
--Pauolo 08:01, July 19, 2011 (UTC)