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The Beast is an enemy clad in heavy armor and armed with a Barnstormer, Hail Fire, or Volley Gun. Booker DeWitt encounters them in various places around Columbia during the course of BioShock Infinite.

Unlike regular soldiers, Beasts are clad in thick, bulky blast armor and appropriately wield explosive weapons such as grenade or rocket launchers. The heavy blast armor greatly reduces all bullet, explosive, and Vigor damage, making them as difficult as the Fireman and the Zealot of the Lady. Beasts are additionally bothersome than those aforementioned enemies because their helmets must be shot off before critical damage can be dealt. While headshots can be dealt to Firemen and Zealots of the Lady regardless. Beasts are often found on levitating ships, firing down upon the player from a height advantage. 

There are four types of Beasts. The ones aligned with the Founders wear a heavy, unadorned helmet similar to the 19th century bulletproof helmet popularized by Australian outlaw Ned Kelly; there is a single Beast loyal to Cornelius Slate that wears the same uniform as the rest of Slate's men but wields a Barnstormer RPG; Jeremiah Fink's personal Beast unit wears a golden lion helmet, while the Vox Beasts wear a mixture of Founder helmets painted red and others made in the shape of bull heads.

BioShock Infinite

Main article: BioShock Infinite

With their armored bodies, Beasts can fire RPG rounds at close quarters without taking damage. These enemies should be dispatched at a distance to facilitate avoiding rocket fire and to nail them with headshots. After their helmet is removed, strafe their rockets and aim for the head, which should quickly defeat them.

If the player chooses to use Charge against the Beasts, it may take one or more hits to take them out, depending on the damage done and how much health they currently have.

The simplest and most effective method of eliminating them is to use Possession; upon being released by the Vigor, they blow themselves up with their weapon by shooting at their feet, instantly killing themselves regardless of what difficulty the game is set to. Another way is knocking them off the city by using Undertow, though the player won't be able to loot them if they are disposed of this way. IF you want to get in close quarters with them, Shock Jockey is amplified due to their armor, and multiple point blank headshots with a Shotgun or Hand Cannon will knock them down.

Vigor Effects on Beasts

Vigors Effectiveness
Possession (effect length) Normal
Devil's Kiss Normal
Murder of Crows (effect length) Normal
Bucking Bronco (effect length) Normal
Shock Jockey (stun effect) Normal
Charge (impact effect) 50%
Undertow (knockback effect) 50%


Rank Type Health Melee Damage Ranged Damage
3 RPG 1743 225 112
4 Volley Gun 1743 187 667
5 Volley Gun 3830 323 800
5 Hail Fire 3830 323 1201
5 RPG (Vox) 3830 323 1601

Burial at Sea - Episode 2

Main article: Burial at Sea - Episode 2

The Beasts returns as an enemy type, now carrying Shotguns, in Columbia, when Elizabeth is forced to venture back. Their armor protects them from the Air Grabbers Stealth Execution, so the Tranquilizer Bolt would be the best option if confronted by one.


Bioshock Infinite

Clash in the Clouds

